==================================================================== Sakura Momoko Come from japan...... But bringing a shocking news.....Oh no... sakura momoko is getting weaker and weaker everyday......Poor little Sakura momoko........
One day...Urudo Momoko, Appears in sakura momoko's life, urudo and sakura very happy, they have funs, joy, and games. Because of the appearance of urudo momoko Sakura momoko get stronger and stronger everyday, Eat better and its going to have a good future.
They live happily until one single night, Urudo Tells Sakura about some story and make sakura want to cry... Urudo told sakura it's only a story.....Sakura momoko knows that but it just to sad for sakura momoko to handle this emotions feeling from the story told by Urudo momoko.....
Sakura cries and cries and cries.....Urudo got nothing to do, so Urudo think of a happy story and told sakura momoko..........lu lu lu lu lu lu few hours pass.......lu lu lu lu lu lu.....Sakura momoko not crying..... sakura momoko Stop crying, and Urudo momoko Feel Relive.....
The Next morning, when both urudo and sakura go for shopping, They meet a friend called momochan momoko......They were shock.... three of them have the same last name.....momoko..... so they become friend afterwards.......
PS: This story will continue later or sooner or tomorrow or no.... Thanks for readingsss........ more to come...
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